Breach of Contract

Friday May 17th, 2019

Curated by Paul Hopkin

With work by: Benjamin Bellas, Judith Brotman, Meg Duguid, Brent Garbowski, Jeffrey Grauel

We proposed a show. This is something else.

Images are often used to access something we long for but can’t have, can’t reconcile. Visualization allows us to proceed as though there is presence. Projected presence, like memory, is soft. Allows all sorts of cheating.

Benjamin Zellmer Bellas, Judith Brotman, Meg Duguid, Brent Garbowski, Jeffrey Grauel. Every one of these artists has engaged someone else, made an agreement with them as a foundational part of making the work. Without the agreement, the work is utterly different. The contract is explicit. It may even be the thing actually on view. But the art, as it so often does, leaks out beyond the scope of the agreement. Or it shifts or generates a shift. Maybe we are all desperate to shift the agreement we have with loss. We find it difficult to have (something or someone) and then not have. Perhaps we all have some kind of desire to cheat something breaking, to cheat loss, cheat death.

Careful what you wish for….